FAQs by/for Residents
Have a question about some aspect of life in Timber Bend? Here are answers to some of our most common questions.
What steps do I need to take before building or remodeling any outside structures?
Section 7 of the Covenants of each section of Timber Bend require each homeowner to submit their plans and specifications to the Association prior to construction. Click here to submit your plans.
The A&EC Committee will then review your plans for compliance with the covenants. (A $25 administration review fee will be collected prior to submission for anyone not a current member of the Association.)
What steps do I need to take before building or remodeling any outside structures?
Section 7 of the Covenants of each section of Timber Bend require each homeowner to submit their plans and specifications to the Association prior to construction. Click here to submit your plans.
The A&EC Committee will then review your plans for compliance with the covenants. (A $25 administration review fee will be collected prior to submission for anyone not a current member of the Association.)
What is the policy of the TBHA regarding the erection of privacy fences in Timber Bend?
The Board of Directors, together with the Architectural and Environmental Control Committee of the TBHA, has developed the following guidelines for privacy fences to help residents determine what fence design and construction to consider prior to submission to the A&EC Committee.
The Committee will review fence installations which meet the following criteria:
The fence meets the requirements of the applicable Covenants.
The Committee will likely deny the installation or restrict the location of a shadow-box or limited-visibility fence if it is on a corner or pond lot or, in the Committee's opinion, it "damages the aesthetics of the subdivision". Such restrictions could, for example, limit the installation so it is no closer to the street than the face of the house.
If located within a drainage or similar easement, fences shall be subject to the terms of such easement, and Applicant shall show that its installation shall not potentially hinder the flow of water, in the opinion of the Committee and/or the Hendricks County Drainage Board.
How do I access the “Members Only” area of the web-site?
The "Members Only" area of the web-site is designed as just that for members only. If you are a resident of Timber Bend become a member of the Association by clicking here to pay online or by sending a check for $150.00 to the Timber Bend Homeowners' Association at P.O. Box 625, Plainfield, IN 46168.
If you have paid your dues, simply complete the Contact Us form with your address with your name and your lot # and we'll provide you with a login and password usually within 24 hours.
My mailbox needs a facelift. – How do I get it repaired? Click Here
The Board of Directors, together with the Architectural and Environmental Control Committee of the TBHA, has developed the following guidelines for privacy fences to help residents determine what fence design and construction to consider prior to submission to the A&EC Committee.
The Committee will review fence installations which meet the following criteria:
The fence meets the requirements of the applicable Covenants.
- No fences shall be erected in front yards unless they are considered to be of a decorative nature and no such fence shall exceed four (4) feet in height.
- Fences shall be built in a quality, workmanlike manner by a competent contractor, and completed within 30 days of commencement.
- No fence shall obstruct reasonable light, air, or view, or otherwise hinder or damage the aesthetics of the subdivision, in the opinion of the Committee. No solid-faced fences are allowed. Currently, the Committee will review wood "shadow-box" privacy fences with the following stipulations:
- Vertical posts will have a minimum dimension of 4" x 4".
- Wood fences shall be constructed of pressure-treated lumber or similar material.
- Horizontal runners shall be a minimum thickness of a standard 2" x 4".
- Vertical slats shall not overlap more than 1".
- Fences shall not exceed six (6) feet in height.
- Fences shall be stained on both sides with a colored stain as approved with the submittal. Owner shall maintain the fence with proper care, including gate maintenance and a re-staining schedule.
The Committee will likely deny the installation or restrict the location of a shadow-box or limited-visibility fence if it is on a corner or pond lot or, in the Committee's opinion, it "damages the aesthetics of the subdivision". Such restrictions could, for example, limit the installation so it is no closer to the street than the face of the house.
If located within a drainage or similar easement, fences shall be subject to the terms of such easement, and Applicant shall show that its installation shall not potentially hinder the flow of water, in the opinion of the Committee and/or the Hendricks County Drainage Board.
How do I access the “Members Only” area of the web-site?
The "Members Only" area of the web-site is designed as just that for members only. If you are a resident of Timber Bend become a member of the Association by clicking here to pay online or by sending a check for $150.00 to the Timber Bend Homeowners' Association at P.O. Box 625, Plainfield, IN 46168.
If you have paid your dues, simply complete the Contact Us form with your address with your name and your lot # and we'll provide you with a login and password usually within 24 hours.
My mailbox needs a facelift. – How do I get it repaired? Click Here